You have Request to Book status with ALG Vacations. This means you can price/quote travel with ALG Vacations. However, when you are ready to book with a payment, you need to complete the Request to Book form at the bottom. Once this form is reviewed, you will be notified by email if you are approved to book this vacation with a deposit.
This process does not remove your liability with ALG Vacations, but it is just an extra step to make sure you are protected (as much as possible).
In this Request to Book form, you will include all of the details below (completed travel disclaimer, cc authorization with signature, credit cards front and back, or driver’s license). Make sure you review the details below. Complete ALL of the steps in the form. If you submit the form without all of the details, it can delay the approval time.
Double Check BEFORE Submitting Request to Book
Be sure you double check you have all of these steps completed before you submit the form.
Step #1 Lead on the Reservation Must Sign Travel Disclaimer & CC Authorization Form with Signature
Before you book with a payment, the lead on the reservation must complete the Travel Disclaimer & CC Authorization Form with Signature. The lead name on the reservation MUST match the name and signature on the Travel Disclaimer & Credit Card Authorization Form.
Step #2 Airfare
If you book airfare with an ALG Vacations, you must get a *copy (front and back of their credit card). The name on the credit card MUST match the name on the reservation AND the name on the disclaimer. If it does not match, DO NOT BOOK.
*There are many ways to securely get a copy (front and back) of a customer credit card. One way is signing up for a free account on Verifyle. You can literally email them a link to securely share copies of their credit card.
Step #3 Do Know Personally Know Customer?
If you do not personally know the guest you must get a *copy (front and back of their credit card) AND their driver’s license or passport.
The name on the credit card and driver’s license/passport must match the name on the reservation, disclaimer, and credit card. In addition, the signature on the credit card must match the signature on the CC Authorization Form.
If you have all of your documentation and are ready to go, you can complete this form below.