We are excited you want to join our team! Just a few reminders . . .

Step #1 Watch for an email from Allison Jones (destinationsinflorida@gmail.com). She will send you an email with instructions on how to access and sign the agreement via Hello Sign/Dropbox Sign. You will receive this email within 1-2 business days.
Be sure you watch your in box and spam folder. If you do not hear from Allison within a day or two, you can email her directly at destinationsinflorida@gmail.com.
Step #2 Watch for an Agreement from Tim Jones from Hello Sign/DropBox Sign
Watch for an email from Tim Jones that says Agreement to Join Destinations to Explore. You can see an example of the screenshot below. The email address is from noreply@mail.hellosign.com.

Be sure you watch your in box and spam folder for this email.
Once you receive the email, open it. The email will look like this example below. Click on Review & Sign (blue button) to look over the agreement and sign each section individually.
We look forward to working with you! If you have any questions or did not get the email or agreement, reach out to Allison at destinationsinflorida@gmail.com.